New Apps, Digital Fitness Devices Keep Track Of Your Workout

Allentown Fitness Examiner

A tidal wave of apps and digital fitness products loaded with practical data and often inexpensive (or even free) is making tech-free running a thing of the past. A survey from Freescale Semiconductor , the chip supplier p90X3 workouts behind Fitbit and other wearable devices, found that 88% of runners training for marathons used wearable technology. Here’s a sample of some data-tracking apps and gear we found useful. Free data Pumatrac: The free iPhone running app tracks and audibly informs you of your distance traveled, speed, calories burned and weather, ultimately producing a real-time map, elevation profile of your route and an overall score for the workout (arrived at by a mysterious algorithm that combines all the variables). It also includes a social leader board that shows you how other Pumatrac users are doing.
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This free iPhone app from Puma helps track your workout, crunching the data into an overall score. The app also helps you figure out conditions that affect your workout, and the scoring system can be motivating.

Go Camping or Touring Tour the mountains and the campsites with a camping trip. Youll be out in nature, which by itself can promote health and longevity by reducing mental fatigue and impacting stress and blood pressure. When you throw in a light (or grueling) hike, you get additional benefits from the cardio and carrying supplies on your back. Plus, a vacation isnt a vacation unless you unplug from your phone and computer, which camping will give you the chance to do. If camping isnt for you, try a simpler tour.
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3 Fitness Vacations for Mind and Body

No easy way out May 15, 2013 Getting healthy and staying fit,Always working, never quit.Vegetables, fruits, whole grains too,Lentils, beans, eggs and tofu.Moving your body and working your heart,Drinking lots of water to keep doing your part.No excuses, no whining, no… Lifestyle changes March 19, 2013 In order to live a healthier, happier life, we must make changes. Eating right and exercising are not temporary fixes to a problem. They need to become a part of your everyday life. The easiest way to make the transition…
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